Dear friend, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in good health, even as your soul prospers. III John 2
God wants you to believe for the best in all things, for He surely means for us to have them. "If ye shall ask anything in My Name, I will do it." We have been promised great power through the Holy Spirit. Many of us do not utilize that power because we lack faith. A lack of faith tells us we are not worthy, or that we do not warrant God's blessings. That is a lie! God's grace is for everyone and it is a gift. There is nothing that you can do to earn it. Once you receive His gift, you can walk with boldness toward the throne of Grace. You can declare the promises of God in the lives of you and your family because you are now a child of God. You have been granted adoption into His family through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. He died once and for all! Why do we sometimes act as if we are waiting for something else to happen before we can begin to enjoy His blessings? Stand up and receive His power. Walk in His power and watch how your life begins to change . . . God Bless you, J.H.

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